A Desert Oasis
Three sets of pools create a unique oasis in
this desert environment and provide year-round
habitat for an amazing variety of life forms.
One of these, aquatic green algae, led early
visitors to dub these the "Emerald Pools."
The rock ledge above you is harder and more
resistant than underlying formations. Over long
periods of time, the softer, lower canyon rock
layers have slowly eroded away, leaving the
100 foot drop and waterfall we see today.
If you are lucky enough to be here at the right
time, you might get to see a spectacular
thundering waterfall created during spring
snow melt conditions or after the occasional
rainstorms that refresh this arid land.
The moist wall below the
waterfall is ideal habitat for
a variety of wildflowers,
including the Golden Columbine,
which blooms for much of the
spring and summer.
Canyon tree frogs are common
along the Emerald Pools. If you
hear what sounds like bleating
sheep, chances are you're hearing
this small, noisy frog.